“Pel Camí de la llibertat”
Camino de la libertad/Freedom Path
Please scroll down the page for English text
Un recorregut imprescindible per viure i sentir més d’aprop una part de la història del segle XX
“La frontera pirinenca, lluny de ser una barrera, ha estat històricament per a la gent de la zona un territori de connexió i intercanvi. Durant uns quants anys (1936-1945), el pas de la frontera esdevingué un objectiu vital obligat per a milers de víctimes de la guerra i la repressió. “
Creuarem la frontera per on ho van fer els fugitius de les dictadures instaurades a ambdues bandes, pel port de Salau, una epopeia que mereix ser rememorada per incidir en la necessitat de protegir la pau i la democràcia.
~ Un recorrido imprescindible para vivir y sentir más de cerca una parte de la historia del siglo XX
“La frontera pirenaica, lejos de ser una barrera, ha sido históricamente para la gente de la zona un territorio de conexión e intercambio.
Durante varios años (1936-1945), el paso de la frontera se convirtió en un objetivo vital obligado para miles de víctimas de la guerra y la represión. ”
Cruzaremos la frontera por donde lo hicieron los fugitivos de las dictaduras instauradas en ambos lados, por el puerto de Salau, una epopeya que merece ser rememorada para incidir en la necesidad de proteger la paz y la democracia.
An opportunity to re-live and feel a part of twentieth century history.
“The Pyrenean border, far from being a barrier, has been historically for people in the area both a connection and exchange territory”.
For several years (1936-1945), the border became a vital destination for thousands of victims of war and repression.”
We will cross the border following the same routes that those escaping dictatorships on both sides used, to the village of Salau, to commemorate both the history and to remind ourselves of the need to protect peace and democracy.
Sortides diàries/daily: juliol/july, agost/august i setembre/setember (mínim 2 persones)
Durada activitat/durance- Tot el dia/all day (14 km a peu)
Preu/price-190€/persona. (Inclou guia acompanyant, aproximació en vehicle a sortida, trasllat França-Pallars Sobirà/guide and all transports included (300 km-180 milles).
Outline Itinery
8 h. Transfer by car from Sort to the Refugio del Fornet (Catalunya-Spain). 45 km.
9 h. Start of the hiking route to the village of Salau (ascent)
11 h. Arrival at the village of Salau.
Pause and breakfast
11.30. Walking down from the village of Salau to the other side of the border, France.
13.30 h. Picnic 30 ‘
16 h. Arrival at the village of Salau and transfer by car to Sort. 225 km. (approx)
19 h. Arrival at Sort.
Please bear in mind:
It’s a demanding route in high mountain, of approximately 14 km., and an ascent of about 700 m (2100 feet). The descent is about 1,200m (3600 feet), so although quite arduous there is no technical difficulty.
The idea is to walk in a single day from the Spanish side into France because it’s easier (2 hours of ascent and 4 of descent).
-Depending of the physical ability of the participants the reverse route can be taken or through other mountain villages.
-The organisers can also arrange accommodation in Spain or France, visits to other 2WW memorial places or natural parks or cultural places in the area, and we can arrange the transfer from arrival and departure airports in Spain or France.
-We have the support of mountain guides speaking English and French.
Contact Details
+INFO I RESERVES: Tlf. 608806251 / 973620786
somriusort@gmail.com www.visitsort.com